Savage Strike Spinners sources or manufactures the highest quality spinner components on the market today. We build works of art that fish can’t resist. No matter if you’re a fishing enthusiast in need of some top-quality specialty spinners or a first-timer looking to get into fishing, Savage Strike Spinners is the place to visit.
We offer CUSTOM made to order spinners. If you aren't finding exactly what you're looking for in our stock products, please contact us with your ideas.
3.5 Spinner - Gumdrop Bait Rigs
3.5 SLO-TROLL Classic - Deep cup - Colorado blade salmon trolling spinners.
Heavy Metal Steelhead/Salmon casting spinners.
Old School Jewel - Enticer Series
Savage Micro Shrimp Kokanee spinner rigs.
Old School Jewel trout/kokanee spinners.
Kokanee Krusher ho...
This spinner is designed to be fished with a "GumDrop" of bait on the rear hook. This concept has been around for decades used primarily by commercial salmon fisherman. We've taken the idea a step further and have built one of the most deadly salmon spinners available today.
I run a chunk of herring or anchovy that's been bevel cut with a plug cutter on the free swinging trailing hook. The beveled edge should be facing the top of the ho...